Mermaid Alphabet Prints

from CA$10.00

Three years in the making. It all started with a silly inside joke with a pal, and I'm a sucker for a joke that I can turn into an art project.

Poster Prints

5x7 60lb Matte

8.5x11 60lb Matte

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A is an Anarchist
B is Brutal and Bewitching
C is Crabby ...
D is Drenched and Defiant
E is Effortlessly Ethereal
F is a Ferocious Fable
G is Glorious and Glittering
H is Hypnotic
I is Inconceivable!
J is Jaw-dropping ... but also Jaded
K is a Kingless Killer
L is Lethal and Languorous
M is a Mischievous Maiden
N is a Nefarious Nymph
O is Opulent
P is Protesting for a free Palestine
Q is a Quick-witted Queer
R is Resting during Retrograde
S is a Sardonic Siren
T is a Temptuous Trans Tart
U is Unpredictable and Unyielding
V is Vexed and Vengeful
W is Willful and Wayward
X is friends with Xanthippe
Y is Young and Yearning
Z is Zephyrean

Ceren of the Surf - Limited Edition Print
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